The Difference Of Vector and Bitmap
As a Graphic Designer,We have to know the basic file extention of a picture.Usually a Graphic Designer only use 2 file extentions that is vector and bitmap.The difference of Vector and Bitmap is from The quality of the pictures.Vector most used to make a logo design,clip art,or any design with less visual effect.Another case with vector,Bitmap even used to make some design with fully visual effect.And it make look Colourful.But,you will can`t make some big resolutions with Bitmap.The picture will be broke when it enlarged.So,Be wise when you make a design.
To make Vector file,you must use a design software that support Vector file such as Corel Draw,Adobe illustrator,and many more.And if you want make Bitmap file you must use a design software like Adobe Photoshop,Firework,etc..
In many case,Corel Draw can also used to Open Bitmap file.Remember,that just to ”open it” not to “make it”.Corel Draw can open Bitmpa file,because it to facilitate a designer that want to layout some bitmap file.Because it impossible that layout with Bitmap Software.Bitmap software just can make pictures with many visual effect.And for layout this,it must transfered into Vector software.
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