Twitter been hack by 3 worms
Three different worm successfully infected Twitter.Michael Mooney,the creator of the Twitter Copycat site is still aged 17 years old,have been admitted on the worm's attack."Approximately at 2 am local time,on Saturday,the four Twitter account has been created and the worm started spreading on Twitter.Start hours 7:30 am until 11 am local time, our security team works to eliminate vector worm.And the result,as many as 90 accounts have been infected.We successfully identify and secure the Twitter account is,"says Biz Stone (co-founder Twitter).
Worm is called stalk Daily.How it works is to exploit the weakness cross-site scripting sites on the Twitter service to infected user profile.The attack basically leads to a false account created Mooney.So,when users view their account profile,the profile and they will be infected from their account will send spam messages to your friends so that they equally infected.Spam messages are delivered as"I love and"Dude, is awesome.What's the fuss?"
While the attack was the second infected 100 different accounts.Attack occurred in the same day,and the third attack occurred on Sunday.All because the exploitation of the bug XSS (cross-site scripting) service Twitter.For the worm on Monday,Mooney send message "Mikeyy I am done ..." and "Man,Twitter can not fix sh * t.Mikeyy owns." Mooney confess himself does not regret,although aware that the action worm attack could bring the problem to him.
Meanwhile,Mikko Hypponen(the F-Secure researchers)felt that users should be careful using Twitter.Do not follow the link false,because the worm is also found in the based JavaScript.For that,users can protect themselves with the men-disable JavaScript in the browser used.
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