Ziddu.com - make money for share and upload file
What is Ziddu?Ziddu is where we upload the files that we will share with the other people(meaning people can download the file that we uploaded earlier).What advantage of Ziddu to us?
1. 100% free
2. Unlimited disk space(you can upload files as much as possible)
3. we get $ 0001 for each unique download the file that we upload.
Accordance with the slogan ziddu Upload ->> Share ->> Earn,means if you want us to upload our files we are sharing the file and then us and if you download the file and we will get the money.
How do I register in ziddu?
1. open www.ziddu.com
2. register
3. Fill in your name,email,password and verification code and click "submit"
4. Then you will be at the bell to the new page,there you have to upload your files first.choose the file that you select and upload.
5.If you do not go directly to the upload page,then you can try to login with your email and password that you created earlier.then after try to login to upload your files first.
6.After the upload is complete then there will be a link file that you uploaded earlier,now there is a URL and the url you can be it in blogs,forums and facebook so that people download the file.Therefore upload the good things such as software,pictures,and mp3.
7.After that there are a lot of the menu you can see in there,such as your income,your files,they all have options in the toolbar.
How does the payment ziddu?
Ziddu will earning account to pay after you reach $ 10 and will be paid through paypal
1 comment on "Ziddu.com - make money for share and upload file"
I recently created my account